Foreign Instruments Approved

Types of Instruments Approved

The following types of instruments and counterparties are currently approved by the CCR:

  • Stocks issued by foreign companies and banking institutions.
  • Negotiable Certificates representative of foreign equity securities, issued by depositary banks abroad.
  • Shares issued by foreign mutual funds (open-end funds).
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) representative of equity indexes.
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) representative of fixed income indexes.
  • Gold exchange-traded products.
  • Shares issued by foreign investment funds (closed-end funds).
  • Managers of foreign specific alternative assets.
  • Counterparties for operations with derivative instruments.

Instruments Approved

Stocks issued by foreign companies and banking institutions and negotiable certificates representative of foreign securities, excluded those of Chilean Corporations issued by depository banks abroad, which are listed and can be traded in the following Stock Exchanges. You can access this information through the following file.
List of the Mutual Funds, whose shares are currently approved by the CCR.
List of the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) Representative of Equity Indexes, approved by the CCR.
List of the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) Representative of Fixed Income Indexes, approved by the CCR.
List of the Gold Exchange-Traded Products, approved by the CCR.
List of the Investment Funds, whose shares are currently approved by the CCR.
List of the Managers of Foreign Specific Alternative Assets, approved by the CCR.
Foreign counterparties approved for the purposes of operations with derivative instruments under letter l) of Article 45 of Decree Law Nº 3,500, 1980.